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When it comes to celebrating the people we love, mothers should be placed on a pedestal! With all the care, time, and undivided love they give us, it’s no wonder that we feel lost without them. 

Having said that, parenting is a lifelong journey founded on shared responsibility, so this one’s for you, Dads! With Mother’s Day happening next month, we wanted to share our top five suggestions for showing your wife she’s the luckiest mum in the world. 

These can be done (and should be done) every other day of the year too! 

1. Family morning cuddles
Touch is one of the universal languages of love, so it's no mystery why cuddles can make anyone feel good! Why not get the whole family in for a nice big squeeze? Every morning, wake your wife up by having the kids jump in bed for a cuddle session! This will definitely give mum both a mood and energy boost to take on the rest of the day.

Tip: Practice this on the kids as well to boost their psyche for the day.

2. Take charge of the household inventory
In a majority of households, the mums are the ones who hold the fort together. Managing a household can quickly get overwhelming, so everyone should be pitching in. Pick a day of the week for the whole family to do an inventory check and make a list of things to buy. 

It’ll be a great opportunity to teach the kids that things don’t magically appear and to appreciate what mummy and daddy do to provide for them. And like we said earlier, this can be a regular routine to help take the load off your wife’s shoulders. 

Tip: Get a magnetic shopping list to place on your fridge and get the kids to update it when you’re running low on items. You’ll be surprised how seriously they take such a task. 

3. Cook for mum, as a family

It doesn’t have to be a fine-dining meal. Once a week, get the kids involved in a home-cooked family meal. Supervise them in the kitchen while mum rests or catches up on her favourite shows. And since baking a cake using a rice cooker is all the rage now, try out a recipe with the kids and bake a surprise cake for mum! Here is a very simple rice-cooker butter cake recipe.

After dinner, everyone can pitch in to do the dishes and put everything away. In fact, why not make dishwashing a new routine for the kids? Get them involved as early as possible, to clean up after themselves—mum will definitely appreciate this.

Tip: While the kids are waiting for the cake to bake, get them to make a handmade gift to give to mum along with their homemade cake. This will teach kids that gifting doesn’t have to be expensive and is more special when it comes from the heart. Here are some examples of DIY flowers. While the kids make theirs, you can make one too!

4. Do “Mummy Hour” every day with the whole family

“What’s Mummy Hour?”, you say? Why, it’s a whole hour dedicated to entertaining Mum, of course! Whether you choose to hold a dance performance or a “YouTube Karaoke” session, it is really the quality time that makes it worth the while.  If you’re up for it, make a fun TikTok video together and have some laughs! Check out these videos.

Tip: Let mummy decide what the activity of the day should be. If she wants to have some alone time, that’s okay too! It’ll be the perfect chance for some father-child bonding with the kids!

5. Make the words stick
Kind words can go a long way and this suggestion celebrates that. Mums don’t often hear enough about how much we appreciate and value them. Set up a ‘thank-you note’ station somewhere with easy access where anyone can write little notes of appreciation on post-its. It doesn’t matter if your kids don’t know how to write yet, they can always draw something! 

Tip: Lead by example. It’s a great way to leave inspiring notes for your wife, even if you are a man of few words.

Find out your wife’s love language here and find activities that will make your wife feel like the luckiest mum!

Happy wife, happy life!

You don’t have to wait until Mother’s Day to do special things for your wife. If everyone at home commits to loving each other just a little more and showing it, you’ll be creating a positive and supportive environment for your entire family. 

Now that we’ve listed our suggestions, we thought it would be fun to hear what made other mum's hearts melt. 

Here’s what they had to share: 

“My husband, Abhi lets me sleep in on weekends. It’s a nice change since I’m usually the first to get up to help our three boys on school days. My 7-yo son, Mika has said really sweet things like, ‘Good morning Mummy. I love you more than flowers.' and ‘Daddy is a little funnier than you but you are much prettier!’ It makes me so happy! My eldest son Moritz who is 9 will often say things like ‘Mummy you seem upset. Do you need a hug?’ If I get worked up, he writes ‘thank you’ notes to thank me for my ‘hard, hard work’ and for taking care of them. It feels great to know that they appreciate and actually see me.” 

- Anne Menon, Mother of three boys, aged 9, 7 and 3


“On some special days, my husband will include the kids in some activities to make me happy. Usually, it’s something yummy. Like making pancakes or freshly-squeezed juice, and bringing it to me in bed. My husband also often gets them to make a card in which everyone writes something lovely. If they have time, they go and get me flowers.” 

- Jana Yar, Mother of two boys, aged 5 and 3, and one girl aged 1


“It’s nice when my husband plays with our daughter, Olivia, so I can have some time to myself. We both run a business, so dividing bonding time between us is also great for Olivia.” 

- Dr Jenny Li, Mother of one girl aged 2 and a half


“I love it when my husband Joe takes over the chores without me asking. He often fills the fridge up with my favourite things. Some days, he takes over our son Ashton's routines, such as giving him a shower. It shows me how much we are a team and that we have each other’s backs. Ashton always shows me I’m his Number One through all the little things he does, like calling me ‘Mama My Sweetheart’. It makes my heart melt every time.” 

- Sharon Anne, Mother of one boy aged 5

We’d love to hear your stories too! Share your experiences with us here

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