11 October 2021, by Thia Zhixin

The Home Stretch

It’s just 1 week to full-term and the countdown has begun.

To be honest, I’m starting to feel a little anxious and worried at the same time. This is my first pregnancy and, I have so many questions like how do I know if my water bag is broken, or how do contractions feel like. By surrounding myself with friends who have been through it before has helped to calm the nerves quite a bit. But still!

One of the other hurdles I’ve conquered was to pass the Gestational Diabetes (GD) test. I’ve read up quite a bit online that if you get GD, you need to prick your finger often to check on the sugar levels. Committing and adjusting to a healthier diet to prevent GD, seemed like an impossible task for someone like me who loves desserts and sweet drinks, but I did it and it paid off! Gerald screens everything I eat throughout the pregnancy to ensure that it doesn’t contain too much sugar. He’s quite naggy, but it was worth it. Still, this isn’t the time to celebrate by going overboard with desserts as GD can still happen if I am not careful with my diet.

My baby bump is currently growing pretty fast after crossing into the 3rd trimester and I feel like I get breathless easily. Sitting down can get quite uncomfortable too as my ribs feel strained and sore. While this is normal, I have to say, prenatal massages definitely helped a bit. However, I’ve stopped going for them since the recent spike in covid cases. All I’m hoping right now is for the cases to subside once the little one is here, fingers crossed.

The sleepless nights have begun and the frequent trips to the toilet also doubled. I’m a light sleeper so I can’t fall asleep immediately either. Sometimes it’s also due to the baby stretching and moving around in the womb the moment I lie down. It does get pretty intense sometimes. The snoring from the hubs didn’t help either haha! I find that taking afternoon naps does help a little with the fatigue.

A couple of weeks back, Gerald and I thought hard about getting me vaccinated as we weren’t sure if it was safe to get vaccinated during pregnancy. But I am proud that we made the decision to go for it at week 27. I only felt fatigued and nauseous after my 1st dose, and there were no other signs of discomfort after the 2nd dose. My gynae said if I do develop a fever after the vaccine, it is safe for me to take Paracetamol. Vaccinated or not, we still tried to stay at home as much as we could. If you are considering getting vaccinated during pregnancy, here is an article that might help you make the decision.

We’ve also prepared the hospital bag and this is quite an event for Gerald as it became a mini project to buy stuff to fill it up! He completed the mission in 2 days. Quite impressed I must say! It is best to have your hospital bag ready by week 35 just in case the baby decides to come earlier than the EDD. Here is what I have in my hospital bag:

  1. Important documents – Hospital admission letter & marriage certificate
  2. Surgical masks and sanitiser (especially during this period)
  3. Nursing pads and bra
  4. Maternity pads and disposable underwear (Some hospitals provides this)
  5. Period underwear
  6. Perineal spray
  7. Dry Shampoo and hair ties
  8. Toiletries (Might be chargeable in some hospitals)
  9. Diapers and wet wipes for baby (Some hospitals provides this)
  10. Diaper rash cream
  11. Going home outfit for mum
  12. Going home outfit for baby: clothes, hat, mittens, booties, swaddle blanket

(If daddy is staying in the ward with you, remember to include his toiletries and clothes too.)

I can’t be more relieved knowing that Gerald will be staying with me in the ward as I’ve never stayed over in a hospital before. He seems pretty excited and it’s probably like a staycation for him as meals are included for him as well.

Due to the current restrictions, no visitors are allowed in the ward which could be a blessing in disguise as Mummy needs ample rest and sleep too. The thought of entertaining immediately after birth scares me especially with the pain and discomfort., the last thing I want is to feel overwhelmed and tire myself out.

The whole idea still scares me, but I’m sure it’s going to be ok with the support system I’m getting. Can’t wait to see you in a few weeks little one!

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