31 July 2013, by Kelvin Ang

Why I blog

Do you want to know what is so great about being a Dad?

The short answer is, everything. It is not always easy when in actual fact, there are a lot of times that I have absolutely zilch idea what I am doing. But that is part of the fun of the whole package of being a Dad, no?

We parents pore over numerous parenting books and surf endless websites before our kids are born. And what they tell us is that along with children come diapers, tantrums, lack of sleep, added financial responsibility and the challenge of finding places to hide vegetables in their food. You know, the usual stuff.

But the things the parenting books do not tell you about, however, are the things that make being a parent the amazing and rewarding experience it is. There are so many milestones that make your heart swell with an equal mixture of pride, love and joy.


The first time they grab your finger, smile at you, walk, talk, say “I love you,” write out their name, go to school, sing the alphabet, use the potty – you get the drift. There are a thousand more examples I could use to describe the moments where your heart grows in size, but it is likely you already know them all.

If you had told me before the birth of my children that I would willingly change clothes for Barbie, or serve tea to Hello Kitty, Dora and my two-year-old daughter, I would have laughed and then done something manly, like flex my one-pack tummy.


The thing is, when your child looks at you with loving eyes and asks you to do something like that, the word “yes” comes out before you even realize what is happening. The other awesome thing is that it is not at all emasculating, and is surprisingly quite enjoyable.

The speed at which the milestones pass is the reason I started my blog. I realized very early on that there was no way I would remember all of the amazing things that were happening around me, and I wanted to make sure to have something to look back on.


The best part is that what started as a way for me to share my personal stories has since evolved into a place where I can talk about inspiring people, dreams and I also get to contribute to the conversation about the evolving role of Fatherhood.

Posted on : July 31, 2013

Filed under : Uncategorized

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