30 November 2012, by Kelvin Ang

Life in the fast lane

Christmas is coming.

And so we come to the end of another year. We will then embark on a new year that will most certainly go faster than the last.

This is the thing that sucks being a parent – life zooms by too quickly to take it all in. How often have you heard someone say that before you know it the kids will be off to university.

It is so true.

I mean, I have been a Daddy for close to eight years now. I’ve spoon-fed enough meals, changed my fair share of diapers and lulled them to sleep in my arms numerous times. Turns out that this is the easy stuff.

No one ever prepared me for the whole emo-thing involved in this parenting business. One second I can be as happy as a lark that my boy came out tops in some sports event, the next I’ll be crying – stealthily – my eyes out during his K2 Graduation Day.

Don’t get me wrong. I am enjoying every single second of it, but those seconds, minutes and hours are flying by, way too fast for my liking. The monkies are getting bigger, older and learning new things every single day. I want to take mental notes about it all but there is only so much that my brain can store.

Sometimes, it does get really hard seeing them get so big. It makes me almost want to stunt their growth and keep them right where they are now.  Why does everything have to get old? It really sucks.

Soon there will be no more wrestling matches on the mattress. No more driving them around while blaring one of their favourite songs in the car. They are changing, bit by bit. As much as I don’t like to see it happen, it is just how life works and I have got to accept it somehow. I am just not prepared for that. I don’t know if I ever will be.

But what I do know is that if I continue to dwell on the future, I am going to miss out on everything that is happening right now. These moments are the true treasure that we have been gifted as our children are growing up, there is a need to cherish each moment with them now for as long as the opportunities are still there.

And that I know.

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